Support service

The company’s main goal is to provide players with hassle-free access to products and services. Therefore, Krikya Bangladesh needs to receive customer feedback. The company has a customer support service that operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Professional managers will help you in various areas, ranging from technical problems to legal issues. Thus, you can contact this department with the following requests:

  • Profile verification;
  • Resolution of technical problems (failure to complete transactions or non-functioning of certain pages on the site);
  • Explanation of the documents you have to provide;
  • Resolving disputes between the client and the company;
  • Consideration of requests and complaints;
  • Freezing or deleting your account.
Krikya Bangladesh support team is available 24/7 and is ready to help users with various issues

Methods for communication

In Krikya Bangladesh, you can choose the communication option that suits you and ideal for a specific problem.

EmailFor all general questions, players can contact support@krikya.groupm. The advantage of this method is the ability to attach the necessary files and documents. However, response time may take several hours
Live chatOn the official website, customers can avail the live chat service. In the dialog box, the user must select the topic of the problem, after which the free manager will ask clarifying questions and help quickly and efficiently solve any problem
TelegramTo stay updated with all the news, players can go to the company’s Telegram channel. You can also ask questions there.